High Hopes

Enjoy songs, rhymes, stories and movement while learning how to teach your baby or toddler the skills they will need to become readers. This program is for infants and toddlers and is held in the library's Lower Level Meeting Room.

January/February Schedule
WED | Jan. 4-Feb. 22 | 9:30 & 10:15 a.m. 
THUR | Jan. 5-Feb. 23 | 9:30 & 10:15 a.m.

WED | March 1 - May 10 | 9:30 & 10:15 a.m.
THUR | March 2 - May 11 | 9:30 & 10:15 a.m.

Check out our 1,000 Books Reading Challenge: This free, self-paced program is open to children from birth through age 5 and will help parents to track how often they engage their child in the five key activities – talk, sing, read, write & play - that build pre-reading skills. We’ll provide examples, library programs, and resources to help support parents on this important developmental journey.

Additional Resource
Talking is Teaching
"Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing" is a public awareness and action campaign that helps parents recognize their power to boost their children’s early brain and vocabulary development through simple, everyday actions - like describing things while walking outside, or singing songs together during bath time. Using books, parent videos, text messaging, social media, and information from expert partners, Talking is Teaching empowers parents and caregivers with fun and easy ways to improve their babies' learning.