Oshkosh Public Library is undergoing a new roof installation project. Construction will take place Mondays through Fridays between 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The project, scheduled to conclude by the middle of June, is intended to replace the rubber membrane roof on the largest part of the library building. The Dome on the roof of the historic original library building will not be affected.
Over time, the existing roof has naturally deteriorated, resulting in water leaks inside the building. To address this, staff have resorted to temporary measures, including using several large garbage bins, buckets and plastic sheeting to catch rainwater and protect furniture, flooring and library materials.
Library Director Darryl Eschete says the new roof is a welcome improvement.
“A leaking roof means water, and water ruins library materials,” says Eschete. "A good roof is arguably more important to a library than to just about any other kind of public institution."
Kaschak Roofing, Inc. of Milwaukee was awarded the project with a winning bid of $197,900. Funding for the project is provided by the City of Oshkosh as a regular part of its capital improvements budget.
While visitors will notice increased noise during construction, the library will remain open throughout the project.
Roof Replacement FAQ
Why does the library need a new roof?
Over time, the existing roof has naturally deteriorated, resulting in water leaks inside the building. To address this, staff have resorted to temporary measures, including using several large garbage bins, buckets and plastic sheeting to catch rainwater and protect furniture, flooring and library materials.
When will the roof project begin and end?
The roof replacement project is scheduled to begin on May 20 and expected to conclude by mid-June, barring any unforeseen delays. Construction will take place Monday through Friday between 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Weather conditions could affect the project’s timeline.
Will the replacement disrupt library operations?
While noise disturbances may occur during construction, the library will remain open during regular business hours. Every effort will be made to minimize disruptions. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this project.
How will parking be affected during construction?
A portion of the parking on the east side of the building will be converted into a staging area for construction equipment resulting in the loss of a few parking spaces.
How much will the roof replacement project cost?
Kaschak Roofing, Inc. of Milwaukee was awarded the project with a winning bid of $197,900. Funding for the project is provided by the City of Oshkosh as a regular part of its capital improvements budget.