Ask an Expert: Dr. JJ Allen - How can I support my immune system?

Q.  What are legitimate ways to improve my immune system?
A.  I emphasize a personalized, holistic approach to building one’s immune system through six key pillars: a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, sleep, stress management, social connection, physical activity, and sunlight exposure. Although these pillars form a strong base, there are times when further fortification of the immune system, in the form of nutraceuticals, is quite important; especially in instances where it may be challenging to obtain desired nutrients from food alone.

Q. What are the most legitimate nutraceuticals to support immune health?
A. Research suggests that nutraceuticals such as beta-glucan, CBD, elderberry, Immunoglobulin G, melatonin, Vitamin D, zinc and many others may directly or indirectly support various aspects of immune function.  As a Doctor of Pharmacy with extensive study in physiology, pharmacology, nutrition, and biochemistry, I know that one cannot take a “one size fits all” approach to fortifying the immune system. Thus, the combination of nutraceuticals I recommend will vary from individual to individual.

Q. Are there any nuances to keep in mind when purchasing any of the nutraceuticals you mentioned?
A. First, nutraceuticals are under less regulation than medications.  Be sure to only buy nutraceuticals from supplement companies you know and trust. 

Second, if you are purchasing a plant-based product, make sure it is standardized for an active ingredient. For instance, elderberry products should be standardized for anthocyanins. However, many are not.

Third, it is crucial to realize that nutraceuticals may interact with your medications. This is seen with CBD; high doses of it interact with blood-thinning medications such as Warfarin. 

Fourth, consuming high doses of various vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system can have unintended negative side effects if not properly paired with the correct support of micronutrients. A perfect example of this is seen with both Vitamin D and zinc; if not properly balanced, the former may lead to calcification of your arteries and soft tissue whereas the latter may lead to anemia and neurological symptoms. 

Q. Will taking specific nutraceuticals either reduce the likelihood of developing COVID-19 or reduce the severity of symptoms if I contract COVID-19?
A. To date, there are no known nutraceuticals proven to prevent, treat, or cure COVID-19.  If you see advertisements suggesting this or individuals making such claims, these should be disregarded. Per FDA law, claims such as these are illegal.

Final Thoughts
There are many ways to support and fortify your immune system.  At Hometown Pharmacy, we take a holistic approach to optimizing your immune system through the six pillars; and when appropriate, the strategic use of nutraceuticals.

If considering the use of nutraceuticals for immune support, I strongly encourage you to seek the assistance of someone with knowledge of both medications and a firm understanding of the biological science disciplines.

If you have questions about which nutraceuticals may be right for you, please reach out to a Hometown Pharmacy team in your area. 

NOTE: This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.